Facts are facts. It's more fun thriving forward with a friend.


Strategic thought partnership for self-made, self-led women who are oh. so. ready for more ease, agility, and joy in business - and life.

with Meera Balouchi


Strategic thought partnership for self-made, self-led women ready to step into their next chapter with more ease, agility, and joy.

with Meera Balouchi

You've got goals just waiting to be crushed.

I've got you covered.





The one prerequisite to OASIS is that you have to come to me excited about what is possible.

The invitation is simple....

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      My brain in your business; 25 years in business and entrepreneurship, a mastery of work life balance, and an understanding of business beyond social media

      An ally ready to put it all on the line to make sure you self-define success and lean into ease, agility and joy as you build a business that works for you.

      Inspiration + intellect on tap

      Privacy and discretion

    If qualifications are your thing, here are a few of mine...● MBA (A+ average)● Certified in funnel strategy, copy and design ● Certified online business strategist● Certified in legal design ● Lean Six Sigma Black Belt/Kaizen● Raising 10 incredible little humans

Ready to go all in on YOU!

Me too :)

Here is what's included...

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    Private, asynchronous thought partnership via your preferred communication program (Voxer/Slack/WhatsApp/Messenger/Email)

    Get your daily dose of Meera :) This is the perfect way to brainstorm, brain dump, and bring big ideas to life. Ask me anything and kick decision fatigue to the curb!
    You choose your favorite communication channel. I will check in once daily (Mondays-Thursdays) for messages from you and respond. This is the simplest way to stay in alignment with your personal and business goals and an opportunity to ask follow-up questions about my feedback from work reviews or discussions in our 1:1s :)
    Although I will reach out to you if I don't hear from you, me checking in is not to be confused with babysitting. You need to show up to get support if you need it. I am here for you (as a person AND a business owner) - use me!

    • What if asynchronous communication isn't my thing?

      If asynchronous communication isn't your thing, that's cool. You will also have the option to book 1:1s with me and leverage work reviews. Keep reading for details :) 

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    Work reviews, submit offers, copy, designs, data, websites, content, sales funnels, presentations, legal design projects etc. for my feedback

    Big businesses have teams for a reason. We can all benefit from a second opinion - especially that of someone who understands our goals and is trained in the fundamentals of business success (online and off). 
    Use work reviews for yourself, or to get feedback on deliverables/projects that contractors or employees are completing for you. With over two decades of experience as a service provider, I know what to look for and how to give productive feedback to implementors.

    • How do I submit a work review?

      There is a simple online form you can complete at your convenience. 

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    BONUS: Monthly 1:1s

    The level of 1:1 support will depend on your chosen membership tier:
    ● THRIVE: One 60 minute thought partnership session each month● FLOURISH: Two 60 minute thought partnership sessions each month
    Please note that you can book additional 1:1's with me anytime (OASIS members get a $50 discount from the $350 fee), at this link. However, availability is limited. If you want to get into a cadence and secure reoccurring meetings with me, this is the best way to do it.
    It is your responsibility to book (and attend) your 1:1 sessions each month (in accordance to your billing cycle). Unused/unattended sessions will not roll over to future months. 

    • Will 1:1 calls be recorded?

      I record check ins and thought partnership sessions via Fathom, and these recordings will be shared with you. If you are not comfortable with an AI note-taker being on our call, please inform me and I will record via Zoom.

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    OPTIONAL: Book implementation days as needed ($750/each)

    Perfect for times when you need a quick fix or the production of a straightforward business asset. I don't do 8 hour workdays - my implementation days are half days, and projects may take multiple days. I will let you know before you pay how many days will be required - and I will honor that on my end. You will not be charged extra if I need additional time. 
    Projects could include: Creating business assets from a masterclass, book, or training. Design or copy for a quickie sales or lead funnel (for an event, masterclass, or seasonal offer). Editing or rewriting book chapters. Social media content (if you give me enough to work with - I'm a unicorn, not a wizard). Editing/refining a drafted blog post and creating an infographic. SEO research. Transforming existing assets into digital products.

    • This sounds cool, but I am not sure exactly what I need...

      This is the entire point of Oasis. By way of our thought partnership, I will be able to identify times when I feel implementation would benefit you and properly advise you if you inquire about a possible implementation project. 

    • Important note about implementation days...

      I only offer implementation days for past clients and Oasis members because implementation support is most effective when I truly understanding the nuances of your business and your goals. 
      Implementation days are NOT a cheap way to get work done. They ARE a way to know that you will get world class work from someone who gets you. I review implementation day requests with an expectation that the outcome will benefit you. If I am not confident an implementation day will be consequential for you, I may decline your request for implementation day support (I will tell you why and what I think you should do otherwise).
      Projects such as websites, magazines, creating courses, or copywriting and design for a signature offer sales or lead funnel are not ideal for implementation days. These projects require considerable research and iteration and are best suited as part of my Wing Woman co-creation experience (you may apply for Wing Woman here).
      The number of implementation days required for a project will vary. The availability of days is limited. Most projects suitable for implementation days will need 1-3 days. The longer we work together, the faster and better implementation day outcomes will become ):

This is for you if...

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      You're a high achiever with a big heart

      You want a second brain and a fresh set of eyes on your business

      You find that many people can't hold space for the way you think, the way you do business, or the things you know are possible for you

      You manage people (contractors/freelancers/employees) who need feedback on their work, and there are times when you would rather not be the one giving it

      You are fed up with people who don't get you, don't take accountability, or get all googley eyed with the amount of money you make

      You want smart, simple strategies to start or level up a business and/or personal brand

This is NOT for you if...

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      The investment will stress you out

      You want to copy what everyone else is doing

      You want cookie cutter, cut and paste strategies

      You can't accept responsibility for showing up and co-creating

      You care more about what people think than what is right (for you and others)

      You are not fun to be around/too serious/need things to be perfect

Ready to join OASIS? Choose the plan that works for you :)

PLEASE NOTE: You can cancel (on your own) anytime by logging into our client portal, BUT no refunds will be issued for payments received.


$550/month$450/month when paid quarterly

● Private, asynchronous (your choice of Voxer, Email, WhatsApp, Messenger etc.) support available Mondays-Thursdays

● BONUS: Option to book one 60 minute 1:1 thought partnership session via Zoom each month

● Work Reviews: One submission/round of feedback each week

● Shared workspace in Notion or Google Docs - you choose :)


$850/month$750/month when paid quarterly

● Private, asynchronous (your choice of Voxer, Email, WhatsApp, Messenger etc.) support available Mondays-Thursdays

● BONUS: Option to book two 60 minute 1:1 thought partnership sessions via Zoom each month

● Work Reviews: Unlimited, anytime submissions/ongoing collaboration

● Shared workspace in Notion or Google Docs - you choose :)

Not quite ready to commit? Book a one time thought partnership session with me at this link :)

Got Questions?

  • Can I upgrade/switch tiers in the future?

    Yes. You can either cancel the membership tier you no longer need and then checkout in the new tier or let me know so I can process the upgrade on your behalf. If you have a quarterly membership and want to upgrade before your next quarterly payment, please contact me so I can credit payments already made to the upgraded membership fee. 

  • What is asynchronous communication?

    Text and/or voice communication via Voxer/Slack/Telegram/WhatsApp/Messenger/Email etc. You can choose the platform of your choosing and we will communicate there. I do ask that you select ONE channel so I can be sure that I don't miss any of your messages. 

  • Will we meet on Zoom?

    Yes. I use Zoom to host meetings. I record via Fathom, which is an AI powered tool that will give you access to the video recording and transcript. If you do not want AI on our call, simply request that I record with Zoom and I will do so.

  • What times can I contact you?

    Anytime! BUT I commit to checking and responding to messages or work review requests once daily Mondays-Thursdays. The timing will vary because my working days are structured around my kids, their school, their temper tantrums, and my time zone (which is GMT+4). Nearly all of my clients are in the US or Canada so the time zone difference should not be an issue :) 

  • What if I am not sure about YOU (Meera)?

    That depends. If you have trust issues you may want to deal with those separately. If you want to try me out before you join the membership, I think that is smart and you are welcome to book a one off thought partnership session at this link: https://tidycal.com/meerabalouchi/smile
    **I will credit the cost of your call to your first month of membership if you join within 14 days :-)

  • What if I want to cancel or pause?

    You can pause or cancel anytime by using the Thrivecart portal at this link. You will also receive billing reminders each month from Stripe that will give you the option to manage your subscription and cancel directly with Stripe. Please note that if you opted for a 3 month subscription, the subscription will be canceled AFTER the 3 months. 

  • Can I get a refund if I don't use/don't like this offer?

    Because I am setting aside time for everyone who participates, NO REFUNDS will be issued once a purchase has been made - even if you have failed to make use of this service. If I don't hear from you within 21 days of sign up, I will cancel your subscription on your behalf. Again, no refunds will be granted. 

  • What if I don't like working with you?

    Welllll....I don't want to be rude, but statistically speaking it is far more likely that I won't like working with you than it is you won't like working with me. And since I am pretty picky about who I let in my world, I have a feeling we will get along just fine. If not, you can cancel anytime. 

  • Do you have a money back guarantee?

    Nope. This is a very risk free way to try me out. I am setting aside time for everyone who joins. My time is money. As is yours. Don't act like you haven't risked more than $550 on oodles of programs, courses or coaches. If you aren't ready, you may want to try booking a 60 minute 1:1 Thought Partnership Session ($350) instead. You can do so here.

  • What if I don't know what to say/ask?

    This is one of the reasons why I made sure that each membership tier includes 1:1 time with me. If I don't hear from you for a while, I will check in with you via your designated communicated method. I will also check messages via your chosen platform at least one time each day between Monday and Thursday. 
    You are responsible for making use of your membership, don't fall silent. If you do not respond to check-ins, or share questions/thoughts and seek support, this does not change the terms of this offer. You will still be liable for payment. You will not be eligible for a refund if you don't 'show up'.

  • I have questions...

    Cool, email me at moc.gnihtyreveegnahcstel%40areem


Hey, Meera here!
I'm a Mom of 10, with 5 kids on the Autism spectrum, taking care of people and ensuring they thrive in a way that best suits them is second nature to me. I have decades of business and entrepreneurship experience dating back to when I started my first (profitable) business at 17. I have hundreds of coaching hours under my belt. I've consulted online and (mostly!) offline since 1997. My strategic consulting experience goes up to the nine figure boardroom level. That is the caliber of thought that you get to power up and partner up with when you work with me!
You won't find images of me online due to religious/cultural reasons. BUT I haven't let that stop me from building a business that allows me to be home and focused on my kids while providing for them and others. I have an affinity for traditional business models, but when Covid hit I started using social media - but only one platform (Facebook). I have earned great money from my time on Facebook, while working part time, and always being uber present for my family. Nothing stops me, and nothing should stop you either. 

My goal is to be your beacon of light.
So you can be the lighthouse, for the people that light you up.
See you on the inside.

xo, Meera

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with Meera Balouchi

© 2021-2024 LETS CHANGE EVERYTHING LLC / Site design: The Website Spa by Meera